We have been displaying these billboards in Jersey City near the tunnel to Manhattan, NY.
New York City is the twice-annual host of one of the fashion industry’s most anticipated shows- New York Fashion Week. As a result, New York has become the fashion capital of the world, with countless smaller fashion shows and events taking place year-round. Accordingly, the city is at the forefront of fashion ingenuity and many of the worlds fashion trends are born here. Unfortunately, there is never a shortage of fur on New York runways, and fur coats and accessories are wardrobe staples for many New Yorkers. As a full-time volunteer organization, we do not have the resources to challenge the propaganda of the cruel fur trade, however we can educate people of this cruelty. New York prices are prohibitive, so our billboards will be next to the Lincoln Tunnel leading to Manhattan. Even though it is not exactly what we hoped for, we are pleased that we are doing the best we can for the innocent victims of the fur trade. This is no small feat however, and to do so we need your support in raising awareness of the antiquated and unfashionable use of fur. We are a 501 (c) 3 organization and if a US resident, your donation is tax deductible. We intend to keep this campaign going in various locations. We accept donations through Paypal, US banks checks or money order payable to: Fur Free Society Mail: P.O.Box 6871, Towson, Maryland 21285

Share it here. Thank you!
This 22ft x10.5ft billboard was erected from March 29th thru June 20th 2016!
This billboard (5.7' x 4') was up in downtown Washington DC, between K & 18th Sts, from April 17 thru May 17.
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to see the photos
This 22ft x10.5ft billboard erected on February 25, 2018 for 8 weeks.
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to view full size photo.
This 22ft x10.5ft billboard will be erected on March 6, 2019 for 8 weeks.
A quarter page advert on the Pet Territory section of the
Fur Free Society
P.O. Box 40
Hockessin, DE 19707
Fax: 410-339-5105